Your Turn-Key Resistance Band Training System
The way you train your clients is changing, it’s already changed, and you need to keep up or risk losing ground to your competition. You simply can’t get the results you want (or that your clients expect) from conventional training using free weights and machines only.
Your body doesn't just move in one plane.
Your body is the only machine that must be continually trained in 360 degrees to both generate force and absorb force in order to stay performing at a high level.
Do your clients get that from your programs now?
Imagine having a complete training system that easily integrates into your current training programs and allows you to train the body the the way it’s supposed to train using a true 360 degree approach.
What if you had a resource that made your present training more progressive and yet easier to set up and implement for all clients?
Imagine a fun, effective training system that creates an environment of success and a culture of positive energy in your gym that clients rave about.
That’s exactly what RBT360 was designed to do, and it’s what hundreds of trainers are telling me every week.

It Starts With These 10 Pillars
This innovative reactive band training system allows you to train clients the way they were supposed to move. The foundation of the system lies in these 10 Pillars.

Once you’ve established an understanding of these 10 Pillars you are now ready to start learning how to implement each of the 6 Elements of RBT 360.

RBT360 Impacts Great Coaches
The RBT360 Live Workshop was great and definitely enhanced my knowledge about RBT which in turn helped me become a better trainer for my clients. With the RBT360 information I've been able to start training pretty much all my clients with bands, from my athletes to my 75 year lady. Thanks Dave!
Chris Wamba Fitness Professional
I had the pleasure of taking a 1 day workshop with Dave in Chicago. The information and practical experience I received was second to none. Dave know's his stuff when it comes to resistance band training for all fitness levels and he is a world class coach to learn from. If you have an opportunity to learn from Dave then do it, you will not be disappointed. Thanks Dave for everything.
Cheryl Pattyn Fitness Professional
Dave, I just wanted to thank you for over-delivering during the RBT360 Live event in Chicago. It is clear you are THE source when it comes to resistance band training. You have the ability to personally connect and make complex set-ups and concepts easy for anyone to understand.
As you commonly state, the options are limitless when it comes to resistance band training. They might just be a tool in the toolbox, but in my opinion, they are a tool everyone should have and there is simply no better resource to learn from than the "Band Man." Whether you are trying to develop explosive athletes or build a program which will keep your adult fitness clients excited to train while looking, feeling and moving great, Resistance Band Training is a must.
Thanks Dave, keep up the great work.Jeff Weber MS, CSCS Program Director & Head Strength Coach, Oak Athletic Development
I came to Chicago’s Elite Training Workshop because I wanted to see one of my favorite trainers. I have been following Dave for over 3 years now. It was a great experience meeting someone you look up to in the fitness field. Dave did not disappoint as the sessions were energetic, fast paced, and very educational. We did not just learn “HOW” to do more exercises, we learned “HOW, WHY, WHERE, AND WHEN” to implement the RBT System. I recommend all his products, after using them for 3+ years and if the opportunity occurs to attend a conference he will be speaking at, Do It! It’s well worth the price! Dave is cutting edge in terms of his methods and abilities. His programs, tools and training work with ALL FITNESS LEVELS.
Kris Simpson Personal Trainer, National Institute for Fitness and Sport
Dear Mr. Schmitz,
I just want to thank you for creating such a vast and knowledgeable resource in RBT360. Accessing this database has made a tremendous impact on my exercise routine and my clients programming. Personally I typically strap my band onto my bicycle and hit the trail stopping ever so often when I spot an object that I can do attached band training.
It’s that convenient and simple
Thank you so much for this wonderful tool and superb resources.
I plan on attending some health and fitness conferences/seminars this upcoming year that you will be speaking at.William Koressel Personal Trainer, Urban Fitness Studio
Resistancebandtraining.com and the RBT360 System, is the point of reference for all of those who are looking for the latest information, exercises, and drills on Resistance Band Training.
I have been using bands for more than 10 years and Dave´s website has been the #1 key to my development on the subject and techniques of RBT.M. Alfredo Solarte Fitness Professional
I am 58 years old and a female personal trainer in Katy, Tx. I love working out with resistance bands myself, but also since most of my clientele are older adults, I like for them to see the amazing benefits of band training. I love being able to show them their versatility and portability. They truly are the 'no excuses' workout tool. You don't need a gym or a large area to get a great workout in which is an important factor in getting older adults to begin and stay consistent with a weekly workout routine.
Dave Thank you for all you do!Debbie Laughter Personal Trainer
I’ve been using partner band training for the past 5 years back when RBT first started and I can tell you that the tips and techniques that I have learned from RBT360 have been priceless in setting me apart from my competition. I highly recommend these products and training to any fitness pro.
- Marvin Rodas - Trainer, intenseconditioning.com
I’ll Coach You Through the Entire Process
Since 1996 I’ve been on a mission to coach, inspire and educate trainers about the power of the Resistance Band Training System.
I have traveled the country teaching workshops, presenting to trainers at conferences, and spreading the word about RBT.
However unlike most professional speakers, I am also a day-to-day trainer and strength coach which provides me with a unique perspective on what it’s like to be YOU.

I know how challenging it can be to keep up with the day to day. Along with running ResistanceBandTraining.com I also have a successful adult training program and volunteer 4 days a week after school training local high schoool athletes. In between all of that, I make sure I still find time to spend with my wife of 25+ years and 3 amazing kids.
One of the things all of these experiences have taught me is that learning a new system, without a plan to make it work for you, is a losing battle. That’s one of the reasons I’ve made it easy to get started implementing bands into your training following the RBT360 training system.
You need a plug-and-play training system that you can use to continually educate you and your staff on the benefits of resistance band training. I also include must-use, easy implementation strategies along with expert coaching to ensure you’re doing it right.
The safest, most effective way to train your clients to look, feel and move great
This RBT360 System is a perfect fit for you if you train clients that want to:
- Lose fat
- Get stronger
- Increase their athleticism
- Get functionally healthy
- Improve muscle flexibility and joint mobility
- Eliminate nagging joint pain
- Turn back the clock on their aging bodies
Let me coach you on the RBT360 Training System and show you how to immediately implement the training components and training pillars into your program to make them more effective.
Not only will your clients get better results, they’ll have more fun and more energy doing it!
Why Should I Use Band Training in My Workouts?
You shouldn’t! You need to include a very specific type of band training using specific types of bands...
My Quantum Bands are specifically designed to be the most versatile tool that you can add to your training programs.
They allow for a unique application of resistance through 360 degrees of movement while making progressing a client easy without having to bring in tens of thousands of dollars of equipment to your facility.
My Red Quantum Band alone has up to 25 to 30lbs of variable resistance, which is like having 6 different levels of dumbbell resistance available in JUST ONE single 41-inch band.

Helping your clients improve is about more than how much weight is on the bar or how many sets and reps they do.
To get the body to looking, feeling and moving great, it’s going to require using a training system that goes way beyond what a single plane, free weight or bodyweight training system can provide.
This is exactly what RBT360 offers!
The RBT360 Training System
With the RBT360 Training System and the versatility of the Quantum Bands you’ll have a fitness solution that allows you to train any client, anywhere, anytime and at any level fitness.
The RBT360 Training System includes:

The RBT Foundations Manual
Every effective training system needs a foundation.
Quickly learn the RBT 10 Pillars of Training, and our unique 6 Training Elements so you have the knowledge to apply any or all 6 into your programs.
The 10 Pillars and 6 Elements will equipped to implement the most effective band training with your clients.
RBT360 Training Element 1
3D Flexibility and Mobility
Learn how to implement the proven band flexibility and mobility program that utilizes a modified contract relax passive overpressure stretching technique that dynamically has muscles mobilizing and stabilizing simultaneously. Clients will love how their joints and muscle feel after only a couple of weeks of band stretching and mobilizing.

RBT360 Training Element 2
Attachment Free Band Training
Learn the most portable strength training approach that will allow you to train any client, anywhere with unlimited exercise options and strength training resistance. No attachments necessary to perform over 90 single band exercises anywhere, anytime with anybody.
RBT360 Training Element 3
Attachment Vector Band Training
Attached vector band training is what makes RBT unmatched by any free weight or body weight dominated strength training system. A Quantum band’s lightweight construction makes it independent of gravity which means you are able to challenge clients with multiple force vectors in multiple planes of motion and not be limited by the effects of gravity like body weight and free weight systems are. Learn 82 Attached Vector Band Exercises that will create unlimited challenge and versatility to your present training system.

RBT360 Training Element 4
Partner Attached Band Training
Take Attached Vector Band Training anywhere by learning how to implement Partner Attached Band Training. After viewing over 75 minutes of instructional video on Partner Attached Training it will very apparent that once mastered, this exclusive RBT360 training element will be a major game changer in your present training system.
RBT360 Training Element 5
Locomotion Band Training
The body was designed around the ability to optimally perform various forms of locomotion. RBT allows individuals to perform any variation of ground based locomotion while being challenged by a variable resistance that will not alter normal movement mechanics. There is simply no better way to increase total body functional performance and strength than implementing the exact movements the body was originally designed around.

RBT360 Training Element 6
Contrast Band Training
By combining free weight resistance with an ascending band resistance it will allow you to provide your clients with the best of both worlds, a free weight constant resistance with an ascending band resistance. Together these two forms of resistance will allow you to design strength and conditioning programs that will achieve any result.
RBT360 Training Systems Program Manual
This is your ultimate playbook for designing workouts and training programs following the RBT360 Training System.
It’s a complete done-for-you blueprint that will provide you with unlimited progressions using key applications and program design formats.

RBT360 Coaching Video Library
Get instant access to 300+ Coaching Videos where I’ll show you exactly how to teach and progress all of the exercises in the RBT360 Training System. To make it even easier to learn, I organized each video for you by placing it in the exact area of training so you do not have to waste your valuable time searching through 300+ videos.

OPTIONAL BONUS: Fit Pro Starter Pack (A $329 Value)
Get a custom designed Quantum Band package to get you started implementing RBT360 into your programs. This package comes with everything you need to make this system work for you and your clients.
Here’s what’s included in the Fit Pro Starter Pack:
- 2 Yellow Super Micro Bands
- 2 Red Bands
- 2 Black Bands
- 2 Purple Bands
- 6 Dynamic Stabilizer Bands
- Accessory Kit (Band Link Strap, Band Utility Strap, Training Handles)
I’ll Prove It Works For You…
Still on the fence?
That’s okay, let me prove it works for you. I’m sure there have been other systems that didn’t live up to their bold promises.
The RBT360 Training System is backed by our no-hassle, only-pay-for-it-if-you-love-it, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Put the RBT360 Training System to use, and if it doesn't do everything I said it would do or you’re not completely thrilled with your investment, simply let us know and we’ll refund every penny.
You have a full 365 days to test drive the Training System RISK FREE!
And… all of our Quantum Bands are backed by a 365-day warranty. If anything goes wrong with the bands simply let me know, and I’ll replace them at no cost to you.
We’ve got the best bands on the market, and I’m willing to back it up.
Plus I know by following the RBT360 Training System you are going to learn train the right way with which means they are going to last you a very long time.
Choose Your RBT360 Training System Today
Frequently Asked Questions
The short answer is no, you don’t. But I can only promise the results you’re looking for if you use our Quantum Bands.
I’ve tested and used nearly every band on the market, and I’ve specifically designed our Quantum Bands to hold up to the rigors and stress placed on them in training facilities.
If you use other bands I can’t promise their quality or your results. You’re likely to deal with bands that demonstrate inconsistent resistance, lose their resistance after a few training sessions, or simply break in a week. As a result you’ll cause you and your clients more harm than good.
All we do is bands which means if our Quantum Band quality isn’t the best on the market I wouldn’t have a 20-year old family business built on it.
It’s just not worth saving a few pennies to sacrifice quality results.
Each of our bands has a specific resistance range that can be communicated to your clients. However, that’s used as a baseline. The key to getting fast results comes down to making sure effort is maximized on every rep, resistance band ascending variable resistance will allow any client to achieve max effort.
- No changing pins, adding plates, or switching dumbbells.
- Clients can self adjust resistance on the fly, even during a set
- Easy use with drop sets, interval training and velocity strength training
- No need for multiple weights for each client, 1-2 bands is all that need for most clients - Imagine how easy it is to set up 2 bands
- Each band has a 30-40 lbs ascending variable resistance eliminating the need for multiple free weight lying around
- Easy to use in any location, with any client while performing any movement or exercise
- Cost effective (Quantum Bands pay for themselves in a couple of weeks)
- Qualifying the resistance level for bands is challenging, if you’re worried about the exact weight used resistance band training may not be for you
- Over time resistance bands can stretch, which slightly changes the resistance levels. That can impact bilateral training when using two individual bands of a different age at once
- Strength goals are difficult to quantify due due to the difficulty of predicting exact weights used
So, unless your clients are powerlifters or are only interested in how many pounds they are lifting, RBT360 will get them the results they want.
This innovative training system is for trainers or coaches who want to either build their training system around resistance bands or fully integrate bands into their current system.
This system will work with many other tools and can be applied to work with other training systems. In fact, we love using free weights, sandbags, suspension training systems and kettlebells in our contrast training which is one of the RBT360 Elements.
Whether you train fat loss clients or athletes, groups or 1-1, the RBT360 system has you covered and will allow you to build fun, effective workouts for your clients based on proven training principles.
It’s scientific principles with field-tested applications.
Let’s face it, I’m biased 🙂
This is my life and passion! But, from my experience working with thousands of trainers and coaches I know you and your clients will love this system.
As long as you keep your mind open to learning new ideas and are willing to step outside the box to find the best training principles and systems for your clients, it’s going to work.
If not, then you always have my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee to fall back on.
You have 365 days to test this out and if it doesn't work or your not happy with the results I’ll refund your money. No questions asked.
We’ve made the RBT360 Training System available as a digital download so that you can instantly access it and start applying the info you’ve learned.
No manuals or videos will be shipped to you.
If you order our Quantum Bands with your RBT360 Training System we’ll be shipping your Fit Pro Starter Pack to you in the next 5-7 days.
We’ve got an easy solution to that as well! If you need more bands simply email me at dave@resistancebandtraining.com, and I’ll personally help you customize the right band package for you. I’ll make sure you get the best deal possible on your bands at the same time.
We have over 300 training exercises in our library. I cover every movement pattern and progression that you will need to implement this system in your programs.
It’s a long, long list… too much to list here. (I told you I’ve been doing this for 20 years, right?)
What you can count on is getting a complete coaching video showing progressions, set up and coaching tips for each exercise so that you know exactly what to do.
Yes, we have applied for CEUs from the NSCA and NASM. We’ll update all of our customers once we get the final approval from the organizations.
At this time we aren’t offering a payment plan. At just $99 for the entire program, it’s the absolute lowest commitment we could ask trainers to make.
That’s great! I’m excited that you’ve already begun using bands.
From my experience most trainers that are using bands are leaving a lot on the table and missing out on a lot of the benefits of band training for their clients.
You are most likely implementing 25-30% of what is possible with bands, which you will soon realize once you have RBT360 in your hands.
If you and your clients enjoy band training then RBT360 will help you take it to the next level.